Open Enrollment for Covered CA is now taking place.

November 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021.
For more information please call: 510-835-9610 and ask to speak to a Covered California Enrollment Counselor.
For more information please call: 510-835-9610 and ask to speak to a Covered California Enrollment Counselor.
Kitchen to Ward
Kitchen to Ward is an amazing organization that is donating lunches to West Oakland Health Council Essential workers. West Oakland Health Council has received delicious sandwiches from Sierra Deli in Oakland as part of the generosity of a caring community through Kitchen to Ward.
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
To register online you will need your California driver license or California identification card number, the last four digits of your social security number, and your date of birth.
Wingspan Solutions is partnering with West Oakland Health Council and Community Health Care Network to address health inequity. We are hosting our Health Equity Case Competition to generate ideas, provide opportunities, create tangible change, and give teens the chance to potentially win $300. All profits and donations will go towards WOHC and CHCN to improve health in BIPOC and marginalized communities.
The competition has two components: a 3-4 page written report and a 5-minute pitch. The competition is held online via Google Classroom and Google Meet, allowing competitors to work flexibly on their own schedules. Teams of 1-3 will have 48 hours to read a case study on health inequity; propose tech, community/business, or policy solutions; and present their ideas in a report and pitch.
There are many dimensions to health, so we are keeping potential proposals as broad as possible, addressing everything from mental health to environmental health. Participants will also hear from and network with business, healthcare, and nonprofit leaders!
No experience required!
Competitors can register here:.
The $10 entree fee can be paid here:
Additional donations can be directed to the West Oakland Health Council here:.
Developments relating to COVID-19, the coronavirus, are changing rapidly. Currently, Alameda County has implemented a “Shelter in Place” order, directing all residents to stay at home except to meet essential needs. “Essential Businesses” can remain open and are strongly encouraged to do so. Community Health Centers like the West Oakland Health Council (WOHC) are considered an “Essential Business” under the terms of the order.
As a result of this WOHC remains open to deliver healthcare services to our community during this public health crisis. While we have modified schedules, and are moving more towards phone visits and care, WOHC’s basic message is “We are here at your service.” We are open until 5 pm during the week and until noon on Saturday at the 700 Adeline clinic.
In order to protect all of us and our community from possible exposure to the coronavirus, however, if you or a family member have a cough, cold, or flu symptoms, please call the phone number below and DO NOT come into the clinic. A nurse will be able to assist with addressing your health concerns by phone, and connect you with the appropriate medical professional as needed. As an added protective step, we are screening everyone at the front door before they can come into the clinic.
For our Dental Clinic, the California Dental Association has directed that non-essential services be cancelled for the time being. Urgent dental appointments are kept. You will be notified if you have an appointment that can be rescheduled. Teeth cleaning and routine teeth maintenance will be rescheduled. You will be notified if you have an appointment and otherwise need to visit the dental clinic. Similarly, optometry visits may be limited in the near term as well.
If you are not visiting our clinic, please take appropriate precautions, wash your hands frequently, remain at an appropriately safe distance from others, and keep safe and in good health.
This health center receives Health and Human Services (HHS) funding and has Federal Public Health Service (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.