Dr. Martin Luther KIng

West Oakland Health Council honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Dr. King called for greater fairness in our health care system, and 50 years ago in the midst of the Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements, four African American mothers launched the West Oakland Health. It immediately rose up as a neighborhood hub for healthcare, food and housing programs, and voter registration. 

Our formation reflected a grassroots response to the lack of medical providers in West Oakland, the high cost of medical services, and the high levels of illness and premature death in the area. Established as a nonprofit corporation, the Council began operations in 1969 with land donated by the city of Oakland, support from the Economic Development Administration for the construction of it first facility, the West Oakland Health Center, and a five-year grant from the U.S. Public Health Service for operating expenses.

As the Biden Administration continues its “pushing to put quality, affordable health care within reach of all people — especially the most vulnerable and marginalized Americans by lowering costs and improving access”, West Oakland Health continues to make health care a right and not just a privilege for the underserved community. We do this by providing sliding scale payment options.

We do not place a price on quality healthcare.