A Message from our CEO
Developments relating to COVID-19, the coronavirus, are changing rapidly. Currently, Alameda County has implemented a “Shelter in Place” order, directing all residents to stay at home except to meet essential needs. “Essential Businesses” can remain open and are strongly encouraged to do so. Community Health Centers like the West Oakland Health Council (WOHC) are considered an “Essential Business” under the terms of the order.
As a result of this WOHC remains open to deliver healthcare services to our community during this public health crisis. While we have modified schedules, and are moving more towards phone visits and care, WOHC’s basic message is “We are here at your service.” We are open until 5 pm during the week and until noon on Saturday at the 700 Adeline clinic.
In order to protect all of us and our community from possible exposure to the coronavirus, however, if you or a family member have a cough, cold, or flu symptoms, please call the phone number below and DO NOT come into the clinic. A nurse will be able to assist with addressing your health concerns by phone, and connect you with the appropriate medical professional as needed. As an added protective step, we are screening everyone at the front door before they can come into the clinic.
For our Dental Clinic, the California Dental Association has directed that non-essential services be cancelled for the time being. Urgent dental appointments are kept. You will be notified if you have an appointment that can be rescheduled. Teeth cleaning and routine teeth maintenance will be rescheduled. You will be notified if you have an appointment and otherwise need to visit the dental clinic. Similarly, optometry visits may be limited in the near term as well.
If you are not visiting our clinic, please take appropriate precautions, wash your hands frequently, remain at an appropriately safe distance from others, and keep safe and in good health.