A message to our Optometry Patients
Thank you for your patience during this COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate your loyalty and trust as your health care provider. As we cautiously make the transition to scheduling patient’s face-to-face visits, we want to ensure you that we are doing our best to maintain a safe environment in the Optometry Department. Our goal is to assure you of routine cleaning and disinfecting as well as implementing additional practices to keep the environment safe.
Here are some of the changes we are making to ensure patient and staff safety:
- All appointments will be staggered to minimize patient contact.
- All patients will be required to wear a surgical mask during visits. The mask will be provided by the Health Center
- All patients will be physically spaced out to ensure social distancing
- All patients will remain in one exam room until their visit is complete.
- Staff will follow CDC guidelines for hand sanitizing throughout the day.
- Staff will clean all equipment items and rooms after each patient visit.
- Staff will wear masks and face shields during the exam.
- All glasses will be sterilized after patients handle them or try them on.
- Staff have been trained to measure glasses in a way that reduces risk for patients and staff.
Once again, thank you for choosing West Oakland Health Center. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with the Optometrist or stop by the Administrative Office. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.

Dr. Angela Shabazhian
We partner with UC Berkeley’s Department of Optometry to provide state of the art eye care, and glasses for $30.00. Come in and see what’s possible.

Glasses start at $30 for West Oakland Health patients
Eye exams are available Monday-Friday 8:15AM to 5PM closed between 12-1PM for lunch.
Have your kids had an eye exam lately?
One in four children have a vision problem
Kids need an eye exam with an eye doctor, not just a vision screening with their pediatrician

We offer the following services:
- Vision exam and glasses
- Diabetic eye exam
- Glaucoma testing and treatment
- Cataract evaluation
- Eye health exam